Friday, February 22, 2013

hiya, weekend

the good news:
the little film i'm making is going well and will be done in the next few days.
the parks and rec wedding last night made my heart explode. also ron swanson is a boss.
i'm building a human-sized cocoon for a movie and yesterday i took a little nap in a layer of the cocoon skin and it was so cozy. and i emerged with beautiful wings. just kidding. but the cocoon nap was real.
this is still a thing in my life. (tired of me talking about that soundtrack yet? heheh).
and i might have a really cool announcement next week....

the bad news:
NONE! it's the freakin weekend! even wet shoes can't get me down today.


Meg said...

parks & rec was too good.

Brissa said...

i need to watch the wedding!!! I'm literally dying.
WEEKEND! and I'm jealous of your cocoon nap.