I'm Jessie.
Age 23. Utah, USA.
And that's Shae.

I like

Stripes. Harry Potter. Helium balloons.
Les Miserables. Moccasins. History. 
Italy. Italian. Italians. Pizza. Pasta.
Nail Polish. Overcast weather.
Potted Plants. Fry Sauce. Films.
My Husband.

He likes

Wrestling. Wrestling. Wrestling.
Lemonade. Science. Fuzzy Blankets. Airplanes.
La Pizza Napoletana. Documentaries. Mountains.
Dark Chocolate. Me.

We are LDS.
We served Mormon missions in southern Italy.
We met in Catania, Sicily.

I graduated from college in documentary film, 
media literacy, and art history.
He is a soon-to-be dental student.
In other words, I'm right-brained and he's left-brained.

I write here because an unexamined life is not worth living
(right Socrates!?)
