Monday, May 31, 2010

happy list. may.

* prom * ketchup * The Killers * Life cereal * old vintage houses * cupcake date * chocolate muffins * when I saw a little boy try to ride his puppy * lilacs * movie theatres (and Nate-o) * The Holiday * Ryan * creamcicles * Honeycomb * yoga * hammocks * conditioner * the sound of rain * sharpies * fresh pineapple * the little cheesecake bits you put on your frozen yogurt * Backstreet Boys * redvines * my iPod * fire pits * when people speak Spanish and they don't know I can understand them * cookie dough pizza * the spot * Costa Vida late at night * boys in white shirts * websites that let you print sheet music for free *

35% of of that stuff was food. Food is good.
And so is that other stuff.

1 comment:

jenna said...

cheesecake bits. yeah.