Sunday, February 21, 2016

reading list

I haven't had very much time for pleasure reading while in college... but somehow this semester I have made time for it! (maybe because it's my last semester and I'm like "what are grades?")
Here's what I've been reading so far this year:

Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
I recently had to reread it for a research project I was pretty excited because it's one of my favorites.

Anne of Green Gables - L.M. Montgomery
Love me an episodic narrative. When Anne accidentally gets Diana drunk on the raspberry cordial it is just too much hahaaaa!

Following Christ - Stephen E. Robinson
A beautiful book that gave me further insight into the Atonement of Jesus Christ and what my day-to-day purpose is.

Humans of New York - Brandon Stanton
At least read the blog if you don't have access to the book! So funny and cool and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Should have read this one in high school I think but probably sparknotes-ed it. I can't believe I did that though, because this is one of my new favorite books! I like dystopian-type stories because it makes me appreciate what I have a little more, I suppose.

Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
Pretty funny at times in like an 18th century kind of way. Also it's a classic and I had never read it.

Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other - Sherry Turkle
A must-read, really. I think when we become aware of what we are expecting from technology and what we expect from people, we really re-evaluate where we spend our time and when we should set our phones aside for a while.

Happy reading!

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